Options for Sedation Dentistry?

At Cedar Lodge Dental Group, we understand that some patients may feel anxious or nervous about visiting the dentist. That's why we offer multiple sedation options to help you feel less anxious and more comfortable during your treatment.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

also known as laughing gas. Inhaling this safe and effective mixture of nitrogen and oxygen can induce a relaxed ...
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N2O + Oral Sedative

Another option we offer is using nitrous oxide in combination with an oral sedative such as ...
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IV Sedation

For adult and pediatric patients with more significant dental anxiety we also provide IV (intravenous) sedation ...
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Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

One option is nitrous oxide (N2O) sedation, also known as laughing gas. Inhaling this safe and effective mixture of nitrogen and oxygen can induce a relaxed and euphoric sensation, helping you feel calm throughout your procedure. The effects wear off quickly after the treatment, allowing you to resume your daily activities without any concerns.

Our experienced Dental Assistants and Registered Dental Hygienists are all certified in Nitrous Oxide sedation administration. Each patient is carefully monitored during the procedure using a pulse oximeter to detect oxygen levels.

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N2O + Oral Sedative

Another option we offer is using nitrous oxide in combination with an oral sedative such as Valium. This involves taking a prescribed pill 1 hour before your appointment and then titrating nitrous oxide gas to help you relax and feel at ease during your visit. This combination allows you to remain awake while experiencing heightened relaxation.

It is a convenient and cost-effective option that can provide a comfortable experience for patients. If you are a candidate for this combination,, it is required that you have a driver to and from your appointment to ensure your safety as these medications often cause drowsiness.

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IV Sedation

For adult and pediatric patients with more significant dental anxiety we also provide IV (intravenous) sedation, or more commonly referred to as TIVA (Total IntraVenous Anesthesia). This is a special service that we are proud to offer at Cedar Lodge Dental Group. The anesthesia we provide is administered by a board certified CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist). Our CRNA has over 20 years experience in providing safe and effective anesthesia. All anesthesia procedures follow the guidelines set forth by the Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetist, American Associates of Nurse Anesthetists, Kansas Board of Healing Arts and Joint Commission of Accreditation for Office-Based Surgeries.

This type of anesthesia is the same safe anesthesia you would receive in the hospital or surgery center setting. We believe in the team approach. We have a CRNA, RN and Dentist caring for each individual sedation case. Our CRNA is administering, monitoring and managing your medical anesthesia needs, while our dentists are 100% focused on providing the dentistry. All of our patients are recovered by a registered nurse. The patients are never left alone, or with any provider that is not highly skilled in airway management. IV sedation can result in partial or total memory loss during the procedure, ensuring a more comfortable experience.

Our CRNA will contact you well in advance to review medical history and determine if you or your child is a candidate for office based sedation. Determination of anesthesia coverage is subject to each individual's policy and will be reviewed by our financial coordinator to determine if you have benefits.Whether you choose nitrous oxide, nitrous oxide and valium or IV anesthesia, our priority is to ensure your comfort and provide a positive dental experience. If you have dental anxiety or concerns about your upcoming treatment, please discuss them with our dentists during your consultation. We will work with you to determine the most suitable sedation option for your needs. Rest assured, your safety and well-being are our top priorities at Cedar Lodge Dental Group.

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